The Bible Song Crafts and Activities Post Preview: Fun activities and crafts to go along with the B-I-B-L-E Song for kids.
If you’re working on Bible songs with your kids, sometimes it’s nice to have crafts and activities for specific songs. There are so many fabulous Bible songs for kids! (Here is a list of 10 Bible Songs to Teach Your Children, as a starting point.)
Today we’ll start with “The Bible Song” (also known as “The B-I-B-L-E Song”). This is a fun one that is light and repetitive. After you work on the song, you’ll have a whole collection of crafts and activities to do to extend the fun and learning.
Related Reading:
- 10 Bible Songs to Teach Your Children
- The B-I-B-L-E Song Free Printable Coloring Pages Set (The Bible Song)
- 7 Bible Activities for Kids
- Bible Study Guide for All Ages
The Bible Song Crafts and Activities (The B-I-B-L-E Song)
In case you’re not familiar with The B-I-B-L-E Song, the lyrics are short and catchy.
Here are the lyrics to The Bible Song:
The B-I-B-L-E
Yes, that’s the book for me.
I stand alone on the Word of God,
The B-I-B-L-E
There are some versions that have more lyrics, but most versions just repeat these lines over and over. It’s super catchy!
Here is a super cute video of The B-I-B-L-E Song featuring a darling little robot (it made one of my teenagers say, “You go, little funky Jesus robot!”):
If you are Catholic and have issues with the lyrics:
While I think kids will just hear the line of “I stand alone on the Word of God” in a way of “Hey – God’s word is awesome and what I should follow” – I know that some Catholics are concerned about it sounding like Sola Scriptura. If that is a concern of yours, you could consider teaching it to your kids with a line like “I love to hear it read at Mass” instead of “I stand alone on the Word of God.” Easy peasy fix, if that’s a concern for you.
Coloring Pages for The Bible Song
Coloring pages are a fun activity for lots of ages. I like how versatile they can be. Here is a coloring page set for The Bible Song.
Bible Crafts, Activities, and Snacks
When you’re singing about the Bible, it can be a great extension to do some crafts and activities that have to do with the actual physical book.
Here are step-by-step directions for making your own unique Bible cover. This leaves a lot of room for creativity for kids and adults alike.
Kids could also use markers or paint to decorate on this cloth Bible cover (or one like it).
Here is a video tutorial on how to decorate and paint a Bible:
If you feel like that’s too much pressure for you and your kids, here is a unique way to decorate your Bible — just decorate the inside cover of the Bible! Here is a video all about decorating the inside cover of your Bible:
On The Scouter’s Wife, there are step-by-step directions and pictures for making these super cute Bible-shaped treats using Hershey’s Nuggets.
Here’s another Bible-inspired snack with this Fig Newton Bible snack from Catholic Icing.
The Bible Song Crafts and Activities: Activities about the Books of the Bible
Some more Bible Song crafts and activities extension is to incorporate the Books of the Bible. There are songs about the Books of the Bible, crafts, learning activities, and more. Here are a few ideas you can try out.
Here are posters of the Books of the Bible and one that is a Catholic Books of the Bible poster.
Lacy from Catholic Icing has a couple of different Books of the Bible free printables that include all of the books in the Catholic Bible, such as Books of the Bible study pages and flashcards. She also has a Books of the Bible bookmark printable.
Thinking Kids has this whole set of different bookmarks listing the Books of the Bible. They are broken down into different types of books in the Old Testament and the New Testament is all on one bookmark. (This is Protestant set, although the New Testament one would work for Catholics as well.)
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Also at Thinking Kids, here’s a very cool looking Books of the Bible craft. I love how each book looks like a book on a bookshelf. (If you’re Catholic, you’ll just need to make a few of your own “books” to put on the shelf.)
Oriental Trading Company has this easy and inexpensive Books of the Bible craft that would even be doable by young children.
At 1+1+1=1, there’s a free printable mini book with the Books of the Bible in it.
Beth at 123 Homeschool 4 Me has several hands-on activities for learning the names of the Books of the Bible. She has Books of the Bible on cups, Books of the Bible on spoons, and then this beautiful “tree” with leaves with Books of the Bible.
Scripture Coloring Pages, Crafts, and Activities
There are so many amazing Scripture-themed coloring pages, crafts, and activities available online. I will just pick a few to highlight. Talking about Scripture and Bible Verses would make a great extension activity when learning about the Bible or singing The B-I-B-L-E Song.
Scripture Coloring Pages
Here is a free set of home-themed Scripture coloring pages:
Maureen at Spell Outloud has these cute insect-themed Scripture coloring pages that are free:
Some more awesome free Scripture coloring pages:
These hand-drawn Scripture coloring pages are gorgeous (and free!) from Marydean Draws.
Be Still and Know free coloring page from Arabah Joy.
At What Mommy Does, there is a small collection of free Scripture coloring pages.
These are some more detailed (and so cute!) Scripture coloring pages set (11 different designs) from House Mix.
Scripture Crafts and Activities
This rainbow Scripture craft is fun for ribbon dancing before you attach the cloud and Scripture.
Here are free ABC Scripture cards from Unoriginal Mom.
If you would like to focus specifically on Psalms, here are some Psalm Scripture cards for kids.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to make a Scripture Memory box and how to use it.
There are, of course, so many other awesome crafts, activities, and printables available online too. But, hopefully, this will give you a starting point for The Bible Song crafts, projects, and printables extension activities for you and your kids.
Other Printables and Resources You May Love
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