While not every parish requires First Communion Banners, it is a fairly common custom her in the United States for children (and their families) to make a banner that will be displayed during the Mass where they receive their First Holy Communion. I have found, however, that this is also an area that a lot of people worry about and have difficulty with. I have shared First Communion banner resources in the past, but I thought I would put them all together in one First Communion Banner Resources post.
How to Make a First Communion Banner
Admittedly, there are lots of ways to make a First Communion Banner. If you’re looking for some tips and a few pictures along the way of how we did it, you can check out my post on How to Make a First Communion Banner.
Now, if you’d rather hear tips, actually see me show some of the materials that we’ve used in the past, see some of the banners we’ve made, and then see me actually put together a First Communion Banner, you can just watch this video. (If you just want to see how I put the banner together, you can move more quickly through the video and watch for when I start doing a lot of tracing and cutting.)
First Communion Banner Ideas
No First Communion Banners Resource would be complete without a whole bunch of First Communion Banner ideas, so I have a bunch here for you!
75+ Design Ideas for First Communion Banners – So many different types of banner designs!
55 Examples of Catholic First Communion Banners – A collection of 55 First Communion Banner examples from Spring 2012.
More Than 40 First Communion Banner Examples – This post has six long photos (which can be enlarged by clicking) that show a total of more than 40 First Communion Banners. This is great for inspiration when deciding how to create one.
First Communion Banner Examples – Another post with pictures of actual First Communion banners to help inspire you.
Noah’s First Communion Banner – This is the very first First Communion Banner we made at our house.
First Communion Banner Patterns and Templates
It’s wonderful if you and your child feel confident enough in your abilities to draw and cut out your own shapes to use on the banner! So, if this area is your forte, then you’re set. If, however, this is the area that most makes you nervous, then I have some ideas for you.
First, you might be able to find Christian coloring pages that you could use as templates for your First Communion Banner.
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A second option could be an eBook that Rob from Art for Kids Hub and I put together a few years ago called First Communion Preparation and Printable Patterns. Yeah, I know, it’s not the catchiest title ever. But, those are the things that you’ll find inside.
The eBook has 24 pages of ideas for preparing for First Communion and helpful information about First Communion Banners. The last 24 pages is filled with templates to use for your First Communion Banner. Score!
There is also a 32 page pamphlet available called Pointers for Parents: How to Make a First Communion Banner. While I haven’t seen this pamphlet, it might be a good source for more information, if you still like you still need some help along the way.
Using a First Communion Banner Kit
If you and your kids are craft-phobic or you feel like you want the experience of making a banner together but not the stress of buying the raw materials, cutting out shapes, or coming up with ideas, then a First Communion Banner kit might be the right answer for your family.
My one note of recommendation when it comes to using a kit, however, is that you should still follow your parish’s guidelines for banner making. At our parish, the banner size that we are supposed to use it smaller than a lot of the kits you can buy. So, when people have used them, it really stands out as being different from the rest of the banners. It would have fit in better if the families had used the banners that our parish provides, but then used materials from the kit for the actual design.
Using a First Communion Banner Kit – Here is how I used a kit that cost under $20 to make a great First Communion Banner, although the kit could be used to make a family inspirational banner.
Banner Kits can be purchased, if you don’t feel confident about working from scratch. A great place to pick up First Communion Banner Kits is on Amazon, since they have a really great selection of kits.
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