This will officially be my last First Communion posting of this season (well, as far as I know!). I had been meaning to post some more examples of First Communion banners, just as a way to help those that are looking for some inspiration.
If you have found my blog because of First Communion banners, be sure to check out my how to make a First Communion Banner post, as well as my last examples of First Communion banners posting (though this one has many, many more banners shown).
On a little side note, if a child’s last name was on their banner, I have put a black or white stripe over it. So, if you notice those in the pictures, that’s why they are there.
If you have made a First Communion banner lately and you posted about it on your blog, feel free to link to it in the comment section!
First Communion Banner Examples:
(Click on a picture to enlarge)
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