While Stations of the Cross is an excellent reflection for any time of year, Lent is an especially appropriate time to meditate and pray on the Lord’s journey toward His death. This brings me to something I have been working on, which started as a small idea and got much larger than I anticipated. I’m excited to share a printable Stations of the Cross for Children!
In 2021, I added versions four and five to this Stations of the Cross for Kids bundle. Both new versions include larger Stations of the Cross Coloring areas!
One of the really exciting things (at least to me) is that this printable Stations of the Cross for Children comes in five different formats. It also comes with an option for some reflections and prayers that I wrote for kids on each of the Stations of the Cross. There is also a free option and paid options.
So. many. options.
I hope that all of these options mean that you will be able to find an option that works best for your children!
If you just want the free mini book (that doesn’t include prayers or reflections), you can scroll through most of this post to get toward the end where there are sign up boxes to get the mini book.
Speaking of options, I also have a new way to experience the Stations of the Cross for children. They might like this free Draw and Write Stations of the Cross activity.
Printable Stations of the Cross for Children (Booklet and Reflections)
There are five different formats for this Stations of the Cross for Kids reflection booklet. I will tell you more about each of them and then I’ll give some directions for putting each of them together.
The Five Versions of this Stations of the Cross for Kids
Although one version is available for free, do you want to just skip to the part where you can buy all three versions in one download? Click on the Buy Now button here:
Stations of the Cross Coloring Books – MiniBook and Large Book
The mini book is a 15-page booklet featuring pages that are 4.25″ x 5.5″ with a cover and then 14 pages that have a picture that can be colored in and the station number and what that station is (Each page is a quarter of a standard sheet of paper so that they will print out four pages on one paper)
Just like the mini book, the large booklet coloring pages include a picture that can be colored, and it lists the station number and name. However, in this version, the coloring area is much larger. Also, each station is on a separate 8.5″ x 11″ page.
Stations of the Cross Paper Bag Album
I’ll share all of the details of how to assemble this further down in the post. This version includes the same items as above, plus reflections on each of the stations written with children in mind. They also have a chance to write or draw based on these reflections, but it’s not required.
In the picture above, you can see that in the Printable Stations of the Cross for Children Paper Bag Album, prayers and reflections can be stored inside the book. (These are purposefully peeking out for you to see them.)
Stations of the Cross for Kids Reflection Booklets – with and without a writing area
These booklets include all of the same items as the paper bag album, but each station is its own full standard sheet of paper with reflections and prayers.
In one version, there is a small graphic to color and then room to write or draw at the bottom.
In the other version, there is no room on the front of the page to write, but children will have a larger picture of that Station to color.
Printable Stations of the Cross for Children: The MiniBook
First, let me start with the all-important question you might have: This version is free!
There will be a way to download this farther down in the post in a section all about how to download each of the versions.
In this version of the printable Stations of the Cross for Kids, there is a cover and a page for each of the 14 stations. Children will be able to color the cover and there is a picture on each of the pages for the stations that they may color in as well. If you prefer, these look nice without being colored in as well.
On each of the pages, it also says the number of the station and what that station is.
Since each of the pages of the Stations of the Cross MiniBook are a quarter of a page, this booklet is four full-sized pieces of paper. Children (or you) will then cut the pages into fourths and assemble the booklet. There are light lines to make it easier to know where to cut.
To assemble the booklet, you can either staple them or hole punch it to use ribbon, yarn, or a brass fastener.
Printable Stations of the Cross for Children: The Large Format Coloring Page (or Signs)
Just like the mini book, the large booklet coloring pages include a picture that can be colored and it lists the station number and name. However, in this version, the coloring area is much larger. Also, each station is on a separate 8.5″ x 11″ page.
Printable Stations of the Cross for Children: Reflection Booklet
This version of the project adds in reflections for children on each of the stations of the cross. In order to make this work and be easy for adults and kids alike, there is a cover and then one full-sized page for each Station of the Cross.
On every page of the Stations of the Cross Reflections for Children Booklet, there is a picture to represent that station of the cross, the number of that station and what it is, and then a reflection on that station.
Each of the Stations of the Cross reflections includes:
- A short description about the station that is kid-friendly. By kid-friendly, I just mean understandable, not that what happened is sugar-coated.
- A reflection for them on things that might be happening in their lives and things that are happening in the world.
- Things that they can pray about. Each includes one prayer for their community and world and one prayer that might be more personal.
- Questions for them to answer (either in writing or just to think on) that will help them put some of those prayers into action.
At the bottom of each page, there is an open area to either write or draw. Because I wanted this to be accessible to a variety of ages, I wanted to keep that area open rather than put lines in exclusively for writing.
Note on assembly: If you don’t have a stapler that will go through 15 pages, you might consider using a hole punch and putting these in a pronged folder or very small binder. You could also use a hole punch and tie yarn for binding.
Printable Stations of the Cross for Children: Reflection and Coloring Booklet
This version of the project is just like the one above in that it adds reflections for children on each of the stations of the cross. In order to make this work and be easy for adults and kids alike, there is a cover and then one full-sized page for each Station of the Cross.
On every page of the Stations of the Cross Reflections and Coloring Pages for Children Booklet, there is a picture to represent that station of the cross and it is much larger than in the other version, the number of that station and what it is, and then a reflection on that station with suggestions of things to pray about.
Note: This version does not include a writing area. It was removed in this version to allow for a larger coloring area. Students can still write their reflections, prayers, and plans on the backside of the paper.
Stations of the Cross for Kids: Paper Bag Album
I thought it would be fun to try a little something different with this and make it into a paper bag album. This version includes all of the same reflections for the children as mentioned above.
With the paper bag album version, the pictures and reflections are on separate papers. Also, if you want your children to write or draw about the prayer into action reflections, they will do that on the back of paper on the reflection cards.
However, you can also use this version without the reflections, if you really love the paper bag album. Remember? So many options with this!
The other versions of this project are easy to understand where the assembly is concerned. Let me give some instructions on the paper bag album version though.
How to assemble the Stations of the Cross Paper Bag Album
Materials Needed:
- Four brown paper lunch bags per album
- Hole punch (optional, depending on the method of binding you will be using)
- Yarn, ribbon, staples, or thread (depending on your method of binding – if thread, then consider using the sewing machine option)
- Glue or double sided tape
- All Stations of the Cross printables (available below)
Instructions for Assembling the Paper Bag Album:
1. Get your brown paper lunch sacks. Place them in a stack in the following way:
- Bottom bag in the stack with closed end on the left and open end on the right
- Next bag with closed end on the right and open end on the left
- Then do the same again – next bag has the bottom of it (the closed end) on the left and then the top of the stack has the closed end on the right
While you will want yours directly on top of each other, here is what that order will look like:
2. Fold your stack of bags in the middle to form them into a square(ish) booklet.
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This is a top view, to give you a better idea of what kind of fold you will be making:
*3. (see below #8 for other options) Punch holes on the side of the book near the spine. While you could put several holes and tie each with a small ribbon, I put two holes in the book. One was approximately an inch below the top and one approximately an inch above the bottom.
4. Run a piece of yarn (or ribbon) through the holes and make a knot. Because of the size of this book, I made a knot in the back first. Then I ran the yarn back through the holes and made another knot in front and then tied them into a bow.
5. Have children color and cut out all of the Stations of the Cross for Children pages and glue the cover and each of the stations in order onto their pages of their book.
6. Have students cut out the reflections. Place four reflections into each of the openings on the sides. This way, they can be private and can be taken out as needed.
7. Your paper bag album is now complete!
8. Clip it together (optional): To make sure students don’t lose their reflections, you might give each of them a small binder clip to put on the open end/book side to make sure reflections stay in place. This is not necessary, but may be helpful for students that have an issue with them falling out.
*Other optional ways to do this at step three:
- Stapling Method: Simply staple the paper bags along the spine or in the middle, if you have a long reach stapler. If you do this, you do not have to do step three and four.
- Sewing Method: If you are handy with a sewing machine and have a needle that can handle sewing through so many layers of paper, you can do a thick zig zag stitch in for the book binding. If you do this, you can skip steps three and four.
Printable Stations of the Cross Blocks
Here is another great way to use the Stations of the Cross printables in this set – Shannon from Sparkles and Sprinkles used the black and white versions to make Stations of the Cross Blocks!
I love the way she and her children colored them and used Mod Podge to put them on blocks they had cut out. She has all the details for how they did their project on her site, so you’ll definitely want to check those out!
Picture of the Stations of the Cross Blocks used with permission from Sparkles and Sprinkles.
Terms of Use for the Printable Stations of the Cross for Kids Booklets
The Stations of the Cross MiniBook download is free for personal or single classroom use for Real Life at Home email subscribers. It is available for a very small cost to those who do not wish to subscribe. There is also an additional small cost if you would like to use it in multiple classrooms or in an entire school or religious education program.
The printable Stations of the Cross for Children with Reflections (and all five versions of the printables, including the MiniBook) is available for a small cost. It may then be used for personal or single classroom use. There is an additional fee for using it with multiple classrooms, in a whole school, or in a whole religious education program.
Important note for churches: Unlike some of my other printables, you MAY NOT share it in a church bulletin or newsletter. For whole church use, these must be printed out and shared with children and families as printed copies, not electronic copies or copied in newsletters or bulletins.
This printable (and its contents) cannot be sold, published, or hosted on other websites.
If you want to pass along the printable though, please feel free to share a link to this post with others. Another great way to share it is to pin this post to Pinterest! Thanks!
Download the Printable Stations of the Cross for Children Booklets
Download the Printable Stations of the Cross That Includes All Five Versions
(Scroll a little farther to find out how to download only the minibook, which has both free and paid options for receiving)
This set is available for $4.50 for personal use or single classroom use.
It is available for $12.50 for multiple classroom/whole school (one single school)/religious education program/large group setting.
This includes all five of the formats mentioned in this post.
You can purchase that here and be sure to choose the correct usage before adding it to your cart.
If you prefer to buy the whole Stations of the Cross Bundle on Teachers Pay Teachers, you can do so right here.
Download Only the Printable Stations of the Cross for Children MiniBook
You may do so by:
- Subscribe via email and receive it for free for personal or classroom use. (Please do so in the boxes below so that you will be emailed the files. If you’re already a subscriber, just pick the correct box and use the email address you already use for the mailing list.)
- Purchase with the correct usage license for $1.50 for personal or classroom use or $3.00 for multiple classrooms/large group/whole school use (If you prefer to buy it on Teachers Pay Teachers, you can do so right here.)
- If you receive it free with an email subscription and would then like to use it for multiple classrooms or a whole school, please use the “Help Support Real Life at Home” page and pick the $3.00 option (or more, if you want) for the usage upgrade. (Yes, this is all the honor system. Please be honest so that I can afford to keep making projects for the site.)
You may opt to subscribe to either the regular weekly Real Life at Home newsletter (learning activities, projects and goodies to create, and holiday celebrations) or the Real Life at Home Catholic Printables and Activities weekly newsletter (these are not in the standard newsletter).
Subscribe to the Regular Real Life at Home Weekly Newsletter and Receive the Stations of the Cross MiniBook:
Stations of the Cross Mini Booklet for Kids
Subscribe to the Real Life at Home weekly newsletter and receive the Stations of the Cross Mini Booklet as a free gift.
Subscribe to the Real Life at Home Catholic Printables and Activities Weekly Newsletter and Receive the Stations of the Cross MiniBook:
Stations of the Cross Mini Booklet for Kids
Subscribe to our Real Life at Home Catholic Printables and Activities weekly newsletter and receive the Stations of the Cross Mini Booklet for Free.
Don’t worry if you change your mind about which list you wanted to be on or if you want to be on both. I make it very easy to change each time I send out an email.
Other Free Lenten Printables for Kids You May Love:
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Love the Stations of the Cross mini-booklets! This will be a nice activity for the kids to make together and a fun way for them to have their own to follow along with when we do Stations of the Cross together as a family. Thanks!
I signed up with email to receive newsletters and mini stations of the cross. I received the stations download but not the reflections. How do I get them. Do you think they would be appropriate for my Special Needs class of five children?
Hi Bette –
The mini booklet does not include the reflections. Those are only availabe in the set that includes the mini book, larger booklet, and paper bag booklet. The reflections and prayers are only in the larger boklet and paper bag booklet.
Unfortunately, I can’t really guess as to whether the reflections would be appropriate for your students. If you wanted to share their general age range and ability levels, I might have a better guess. There are a couple of pictures in this post where you can probably see what the reflections are like, so that might help you make a judgement as well.
Hi Angie,
I really like the mini (paper bag) booklet project, so I signed up for the newsletters. I downloaded what I thought was the mini paper bag booklet, but it did not come with the reflections that go into the “pockets”. I can’t find a way to get them. Can you help?
Thank you.
As I mentioned above, the reflections and prayers are not included in the free mini booklet. I can see why you may have gotten confused, since you are calling it the mini paper bag booklet. However, those are two different things – a mini booklet and a paper bag booklet.
The free booklet for subscribers is just the mini booklet and it doesn’t include prayers and reflections. I am also not entirely sure if those pages would fit correctly on a paper bag booklet. I used a different page size for that project.
The reflection are only available for the paper bag booklet and the larger booklet. Those are only included in the paid bundle here (that bundle also includes the free mini booklet that you already got as a subscriber):
If you have any other questions on that, please let me know! Thanks!
Thanks, Angie. Have a good Holy Week.
Hi Angie,
I am looking forward to introducing the Stations of the Cross with your creative paper bag book. I’ve attempted to get the free printables. I have a total of 4 kids in catechism on a good day. I can’t seem to receive the pdf file. Is there a trick?
Hi Andrea –
I looked up your email address in the email system and it shows that you are unconfirmed (because you haven’t clicked on the download link in the first email that you received yet). It shows that it sent your Stations of the Cross email at 4:03 pm today. I would recommend checking your spam or junk folder for that. Unfortunately, hotmail also has a tendency to not allow emails to get through. 🙁
With all that said, if you want the paper bag booklet version or any version with the reflections, those aren’t part of the free version. You would need to purchase this version to get those:
Hi Angie! I am not seeing the email. Could you let me know if it’s been sent or the “sender” or “subject” info so I can do a search in my email account?
Renee –
It looks like one email was sent to you at 3:12 pm and then another at 3:40 pm when you signed up again. The subject line is “Stations of the Cross Mini Booklet” for both. It’s either coming from Angie Kauffman or from Real Life at Home.
You are the second person recently to have trouble getting this email that is on hotmail. So, I’m not sure if they are blocking it or not. Hopefully you’ll be able to track it down!
I’m guessing Hotmail is blocking the email. I did a search and they aren’t popping up, but I am getting a message that you replied to my comment. I’ll try signing up again with a different email…Thanks for your help!
I just went into the system to delete your hotmail attempt, in case you wanted to try it again with that one. But, then I was greeted by your name at the top of the list of new subscriptions with a different email address. WooHoo! So glad it worked this time! 🙂
Hello. These are very beatiful pictures. Please send them to me. Thank you and be blessed.
If you want the mini book (with no reflections/prayers), you’ll need to sign up for the newsletter (in one of the boxes that asks for your name and email address in the post) or purchase it here:
If you would like the bundle that includes the mini book, paper bag booklet (with reflections), and large booklet (with reflections), you can purchase that here:
How wonderful kids will enjoy this at stations
Thank you!
Thank you.
Thank you!