One of my favorite things about December is the anticipation and reflection of Advent, and then the joy of Christmas. It’s easy, however, to get caught up in all the things that make the season busy. To help hone in on some fun and meaningful activities, especially having to do with Christmas and Advent, I have created a free printable of activities that you can do with your family in December.
The printable is made in a December bingo type of layout, so you can make it your family’s goal to get a bingo by doing all of the activities in one row and column. Of course, that could certainly add some stress to your month. So, my suggestion is to simply print out instant download and do the activities that really speak to you and your family, whether that means that you fill out a whole row, do every activity on the page, or do just one thing.
Contents of the Fun and Meaningful Family Activities for December Printable
1. Pick a hands on Nativity themed activity
2. Have a quiet night at home playing your favorite board games, while enjoying cocoa and snacks.
3. Mark the days of Advent with a Names of Jesus printable chain
4. Attend a Christmas parade.
5. Pick out at least one gift from a local store, craft show, or from a small business owner (local or online).
6. If there is no snow, have a family “snowball” fight with rolled up socks or wadded up scrap paper.
7. Have each family member write a letter to someone who has had a special impact on their lives.
8. Go around your community and look at Christmas light displays.
9. Let the youngest child in your home have the honor of placing Jesus in the crèche in your Nativity scene.
10. Surprise a neighbor by shoveling their driveway after a snow fall. If there’s no snow, surprise them with another act of kindness.
11. Make and deliver treats to neighbors.
12. Go Christmas caroling.
13. Give Jesus a birthday gift this year by giving a gift to someone in need.
14. Use a Jesse Tree to help prepare for Christmas (free printable eBook)
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Monthly Liturgical Membership
15. Watch a Christmas themed movie together as a family.
16. Use an Advent wreath in your home. (Here is an Advent wreath craft to try.)
17. Make at least one handmade gift to give this year (can be individually or as a whole family effort).
18. Host a cookie swap or cookie decorating party with family and/or friends.
19. Have a family night at the end of December to talk about family and personal goals for next year.
20. Make a new, handmade tree ornament. Need ideas? Here’s a fun handprint one.
21. Learn to say Merry Christmas in a few languages.
22. Do something to make someone else’s holiday season better this year.
23. Read at least one book a week that talks about a Christmas tradition in another country.
24. Celebrate St. Nicholas Day (Dec 6th) by putting small gifts and candy in your children’s shoes.
Important: This download is free for personal, church, and classroom use only. The copyright credit line must be included. This printable (and its contents) cannot be sold, published, or hosted on other websites. If you want to pass along the printable though, please feel free to share a link to this post (not directly to the printable) with others. Another great way to share it is to pin this post to Pinterest! Thanks!
Click to Download the Fun and Meaningful Family Activities for December Printable Page
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Thank you! the Advent activities look great!