As I mentioned earlier this week when I posted the 10 March Activities for Catholic Families Printable, I decided this year to not add any Lenten activities to the monthly printables. To make up for no Lenten activities on the monthly printables, however, I decided to make one printable that was specifically for Lent and Holy Week activities. There is also one activity that’s for the day before Lent starts.
As with most of my activity printables for Catholic families, many of the activities will also be wonderful for non-Catholic Christians to do with their families as well.
I know that there are a lot of variations in the practices of Protestants, so some may find the printable more helpful than others. I know that in my 30 years as a Protestant, a good majority of the activities on this printable would have worked for me. Of course, that’s what happens when you go from being an Episcopalian to being a Catholic, I guess.
10 Lent and Holy Week Activities for Catholic Families Printable
You can grab the printable below. (If you prefer a printable that only has Holy Week activities on it, you can click here to go to the 10 Holy Week Activities Printable.)
1. Have a pancake dinner the night before Ash Wednesday or make a King Cake. This day is known as Mardi Gras as well as Shrove Tuesday. Pancakes were a traditional dish for this day to use up things that weren’t allowed during Lent. Here is a recipe for a King cake.
Here’s a super quick version of a King Cake – Super Easy King Cake in Around 20 Minutes
2. Attend Mass on Ash Wednesday. Wear your ashes out into the world as a witness of our faith.
3. Commit to reading the Bible (even if it’s a Children’s version) every day together as a family.
4. Attend Some of the Holy Week Masses and Activities at Your Parish.
5. Make at least one of your meatless Friday meal together as a family. This can be a great testimonial for younger children as you remember, together, one of the unique features of our Faith.
6. Use this printable Lenten calendar to track the season.
7. On Holy Thursday, do a foot washing with your family members.
8. Attend Stations of the Cross (especially a Stations of the Cross for children, if you have small children).
9. Make cards of encouragement to those in your parish’s RCIA program. After a lot of study and prayer, most of them will be received into the Church at the end Lent.
10. Choose a Lenten Sacrifice to Do As a Family. Is there something your family can sacrifice that might help another family in need? Consider donating what you might spend on a meal out to a food pantry instead. (Here is a set of free planning pages that might help you and your children plan Lenten sacrifices.)
Post continues after this brief information about a monthly membership to help you live the liturgical year
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Terms of Use: 10 Lent and Holy Week Activities for Catholic Families Printable
Actually, I won’t go through it all. Why don’t you just go check out the terms of use on Real Life at Home. Same terms of use apply here. (Please do not assume on the terms of use. Before you use this printable for anything other than your personal family use, please go read the terms of use.)
Download the 10 Lent and Holy Week Activities for Catholic Families Printable*
If you’re looking for monthly activity printables for Catholic families, you can find an index page with links to each of the printables here.
You can also find a picture index of all of the Catholic printables at Real Life at Home here.
If you want more than just 10 activities, I have a free printable that’s available in both black and white and color that features 40 Lenten Activities for Catholic Families! (Or you can get the same activities, plus a few more, to use to make a Lenten Paper Chain.)
*If you are having clarity issues with the printable, your web browser may be to blame. Please look through my trouble shooting tips for this.
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Planning for Lent Printable: Free Lenten Planning Page (includes three versions)
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Stations of the Cross Mini Booklet for Kids
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Jen @ Enter Under My Roof says
Love these activities you posted! I shared your post to help spread the word. Thanks!