One of our first few Catholic Printables Packets was a Saint Agnes Printables Packet. Eric has been going back and redrawing some of his original saint drawings, which means that I’ve then been updating the older packets and posts.
Since the feast day of Saint Agnes is coming up on January 21st, she seemed like a great saint to update. This Saint Agnes Printables packet is a 16-page packet with pages themed around St. Agnes, plus a sweet little lamb.
(The first Saint Agnes packet and this post were originally published in January 2015.)
Explore: Check out the large picture index of all of the Catholic Printables available on Real Life at Home!
The appropriate ages for the St. Agnes packet varies. You all know how I hate to assign an age group to these kinds of things because there is such a variation among children. Plus, some older children still enjoy activities like coloring pages. Some of the activities will be preschool appropriate while others might go as high as mid-elementary school.
Before I list what’s in the packet, I have to do that thing I do each month when I talk about these packets: thank my wonderful husband, Eric. He drew the Saint Agnes that I used in the packet. (As such, this is not clip art for public use, of course. That would be against copyright law, and would just not be nice. Some wives like to receive flowers, I like to receive clip art and coloring pages to use. Thanks, Eric!)
The Saint Agnes Printables and Worksheets Packet Includes
- Terms of Use Page
- Saint Agnes Word Search – one in black and white and color (and Solution)
- All About Saint Agnes Fact Sheet to Fill Out
- St. Agnes and Lamb Maze (and Solution)
- A Saint Agnes and lamb Coloring Page
- Two Pages Containing either a Four or Nine Piece Puzzle (these pages are best printed on cardstock, though regular paper is fine – these might be fun for older kids to make for younger siblings)
- Two Handwriting Pages (one printing, one cursive) that also feature a small coloring area of St. Agnes
- Two Language Arts/Art Pages that involve cutting and pasting sentences, writing a copy of the sentence, and illustrating them
- A Cut Apart Page Where Children Put Words about Saint Agnes either into a Nouns Column or Adjectives Column
- Saint Agnes Crack the Code Page using a letters and numbers code to find a fact about her
How to Get the Saint Agnes Printables and Worksheets Packet
There are two ways to download the Saint Agnes Printables Packet:
1. This full packet is free for Real Life at Home email subscribers. (If you are already a subscriber, just use the email address that you currently are subscribed with on the form below.)
Saint Agnes Activity Packet
Subscribe to our newsletter and receive the Saint Agnes Printables and Worksheets Packet for free!
2. Don’t want to subscribe? No problem! You can very inexpensively purchase the St. Agnes Printables Packet.
Post continues after this brief information about a monthly membership to help you live the liturgical year
Monthly Liturgical Membership
You can purchase the packet for $2.50 for single family/single classroom use. The packet is also available for $4.50 for multiple classrooms, religious education programs, and other large groups. Click to purchase now.
Terms of Use for the Saint Agnes Printables Packet
This packet has a terms of use page as the first page of the packet. Please read it before using the packet.
Whether you purchase this packet or receive it as a subscriber, it cannot be sold, published, or hosted on other websites. If you want to pass along information about the printable, please feel free to share a link to this post with others. More terms of use are included on the first page of the packet. Thanks!
Another Subscriber Bonus:
If you subscribe to Real Life at Home via email, you can download this 21-page Mysteries of the Rosary Draw and Write Activity.
Mysteries of the Rosary Draw and Write Activity Packet
Subscribe to our newsletter and receive the Mysteries of the Rosary Draw and Write Activity Packet!
Other Catholic Printables Packets You’ll Love
Saint Agnes Activity Packet
Subscribe to our newsletter and receive the Saint Agnes Printables and Worksheets Packet for free!
Oh thank you so much! I’d picked St. Agnes as our January Saint to celebrate and then was having a hard time finding fun activities to do while studying her. This is perfect!
You’re so welcome! I’m glad that you have some fun activities to do now.
Thank you for the printable. This year our family is going to try to learn more about saints and these will come in handy. Thank you again. Jennifer Armstrong
I’m so glad that this will help, Jennifer! Hopefully some of the other packets will be helpful too! 🙂
Hey! I am a subscriber and I am desperately trying to print out this printable, but cannot figure out HOW? or WHERE? I have been to this same page and it says its free for subscribers and I see no ‘click here to download’ or something similar. What am I missing?
Hi Lanny!
The link for subscribers isn’t here on this post. Otherwise, everyone would be able to download it for free. 🙂
You’ll want to look toward the bottom of any of the emails that you have received as a subscriber because they all have a link and password and other information about downloading items that are only for subscribers. While it can be an email about this post, it can also be any of the emails that you have received, as they all have that information on them.
I hope that helps! 🙂