I can’t believe that Eric and I have been making Catholic Printables Packets for two years now! This St. Francis of Assisi Packet was the first one we created. A lot has changed about the way Eric draws the saints, how I color them (back then, he did that), and the kinds of things that I put in the packets. It seemed like the perfect time to update this packet, which has now gone from a 14 page packet to a 43 page packet!
Get the Packet Now
Even before we were Catholic, St. Francis’ feast day was an important one to me. It was on St. Francis’ feast day one year that I was in labor at a local hospital that is owned by Franciscan sisters. At the height of the pain of my labor, one of the Sisters came over the PA system to pray and then shared about St. Francis and read the Prayer of St. Francis. I remember being in tears, both from the pain and from an overwhelming sense of comfort in the words.
This is probably why our first packet back in 2014 was all about Saint Francis of Assisi, and we’re thrilled to have this be the first of the older packets that we’ve redesigned and added content to.
One change that I added was to offer many of the pages that were only in color before to now be available in black and white as well, in order to save money on printing and give kids extra coloring areas.
The appropriate ages for the packet varies a bit. I always hate to assign an age group to these kinds of things because there is such a variation among children. Some of the activities will be preschool appropriate, while others might go as high as mid-elementary school.
Before I tell you about the packet, I have to send a huge shout out to my awesome husband, Eric. He hand drew the Saint Francis clip art that I used in the packet. (As such, this is not clip art for public use, of course. That would be against copyright law, and would just not be nice.)
Learn More: 10+ Ideas for Celebrating Saint Francis of Assisi with Young Ones
The St. Francis of Assisi Printables Packet Includes
- Saint Francis of Assisi Word Search in Color (and Solution)
- St. Francis Word Search in Black and White
- Hidden Message Activity with a quote from St. Francis that goes along with the word search pages
- Saint Francis of Assisi Maze (and Solution) – two versions of the maze (one black and white, one color)
- Two St. Francis of Assisi Coloring Pages
- Facts about Saint Francis Page (for kids to fill out)
- “Saint Francis, Pray for Us” Handwriting Page with coloring area (two versions: cursive, printing)
- “Saint Francis” Handwriting Page with coloring area (two versions: cursive, printing)
- Church and St. Francis – “Francis, Go Rebuild My Church” Coloring Page
- Prayer of St. Francis (mini poster/handout)
- Two Handwriting Pages (printing) with part of the Prayer of St. Francis
- Two Language Arts/Art Pages that involve cutting and pasting sentences, writing a copy of the sentence, and illustrating them
- Saint Francis of Assisi Crack the Code Page using a letters and numbers code to find a quote by St. Francis
- St. Francis Alphabetical Order Page (one regular version and one version for beginners)
- Handwriting pages with three quotes from St. Francis on them (each in two versions: cursive and printing)
- St. Francis facts fill in the blank page in two versions (with and without a word bank)
- St. Francis of Assisi Facts Booklet on five pages (making a 10 page booklet about St. Francis of Assisi and his life, since pages are half sheets)
- St. Francis of Assisi and Friends mini booklet (eight pages with coloring areas and writing sections with St. Francis of Assisi and animals)
- A Venn Diagram page comparing St. Francis of Assisi and “Me” (the student)
- A Venn Diagram page comparing St. Francis of Assisi and Pope Francis
Terms of Use and Pricing for the St. Francis Printables Packet
Family and Single Classroom Use: If you are buying this to use with your family or with a single classroom (or small group), please choose the personal use option, which is $3.75.
Multiple Classroom and Large Group Use: If you are planning to use this packet with multiple classrooms (within one school), a church program, or other large group settings (which is more than a classroom worth of children), please choose the large group/multiple classroom option, which is $7.00. By paying this extra amount, you help to make it possible for me to continue offering packets like this.
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There are other terms of use (for both family use and group use) on the first page of the packet, so please be sure to read through them before you use pages from the packet.
Books for Kids about Saint Francis of Assisi to Extend the Learning and Activities:
Other Catholic Printables You’ll Love:
See all Catholic Printables on Real Life at Home
This Saint Francis of Assisi Printables Packet post was originally published on September 24, 2014. Both the post and packet were updated in September 2016.
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. They don’t change how much you pay, but we may receive a small compensation for you purchasing through those links. Thanks!
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Thanks so much for the printable! We always appreciate faith-based learning activities such as this.
Thanks for the kind words, Danielle. They mean so much to us! 🙂
Just found you, LOVE this, thank you! Repinning!
Thanks, Holly! 🙂
I found you for the first time last year and have loved printing out your resources for my kids at our church of St Peters in Conneautville. Pa. I am currently head of our religious Ed program and always enjoy your supplements to print and use with our classes. you help to make the faith much more understandable and real for our kids. Thank you very much, God bless Paula
Thank you so much, Paula! Your comment really touched my heart and I had to be sure to share it with my husband too. Thanks for taking the time to comment. 🙂
Thank you