While this is a little different from our typical Catholic Printables Packets, I thought it would be a great idea to a dedicated All Saints’ Day Printables Packet. Even though there is an emphasis on All Saints’ Day, this packet includes printables that are perfect for any time of year that you might be studying saints. This All Saints’ Day Printables Packet includes 24 pages of worksheets, printables, and solution pages.
Here is an important note about this packet that is different from most of the other packets that we’ve made. This is about half made up of printables that are All Saints’ Day themed and are already available for free on Real Life at Home.
Initially, I thought this packet would be more about the convenience of grabbing some free printables, but all in one spot without having to go to each post to download them. However, then I decided to start adding some new pages in as well. By the time I was done making brand new pages to add, it ended up being several more pages, which makes up the other half of the packet.
The appropriate ages for the packet varies quite a bit. I purposefully made the packet so that it is easy to buy just one packet and then use it with a variety of ages. Just a few pages that are preschool appropriate (mostly the coloring pages, including the already free and very popular Litany of Saints Mini Book, but also including some brand new coloring pages). This packet will be more appropriate for elementary-aged children, as well as many page that would be appropriate for middle school-aged kids.
Before I tell you more about the All Saints’ Day packet, I have to send a big shout out to my amazing husband, Eric. He hand drew all of the saints that I used in the packet. (As such, this is not clip art for public use, of course. That would not only be against copyright law, but it also just would not be nice. Be a pal, and don’t do it.)
Learn More for Teaching about Saints: Easy Ways to Teach Your Children about Catholic Saints
The All Saints’ Day Printables Packet Includes
- A Cover Page
- A Terms of Use Page
- Three Pages of Mini Reports/Information Sheets about a particular saint with the top reading “All About Saint _______” (Each of the pages is slightly different, with one version being an easier version for younger children)
- A “Design Your Own Church” Coloring Page featuring information on the bottom about All Saints’ Day
- A Coloring Page Featuring Six Saints, which includes more information about All Saints’ Day and that we should all desire to become saints too
- Six Handwriting Pages with Quotes from Saints that Seemed Perfect for Studying about Saints (This includes three different quotes, with a version with traditional elementary lines for younger children and plain lines for older children)
- Two Versions of an All Saints’ Day Word Search (one easier and one harder)
- A Directions Page for Making the Litany of Saints Mini Book
- Two Pages Featuring Different Versions of the Litany of Saints Mini Book (one version is for cutting apart the page and stapling it into a mini book and one version is for folding into a mini book). These both include five mini coloring pages of individual saints, plus a title page.
- Saints Crossword Puzzle and Solution Page (This Version is Easier) – This Version also has Two Small Coloring Areas
- Saints Crossword Puzzle and Solution Page (A Harder Version with More Questions)
- Patron Saint Crossword Puzzle and Solution Page
Terms of Use and Pricing for the All Saints’ Day Printables Packet
Family and Single Classroom Use: If you are buying this to use with your family or with a single classroom (or small group), please choose the personal use option, which is $3.00.
Multiple Classroom and Large Group Use: If you are planning to use this packet with multiple classrooms (within one school), a church program, or other large group settings (which is more than a classroom worth of children), please choose the large group/multiple classroom option, which is $5.50. By paying this extra amount, you help to make it possible for me to continue offering packets like this.
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There are other terms of use (for both family use and group use) on the first page of the packet, so please be sure to read through them before you use pages from the packet.
Books for Kids about Saints to Extend the Learning and Activities:
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See all Catholic Printables on Real Life at Home
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