Hi! I’m Lacy from Catholic Icing and Angie invited me here today to show you all the amazing First Holy Communion cards I found at the Dollar Tree. Can you even believe that? They actually had a whole section that was dedicated to First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
Know what the best part is? They are 2 for $1.00! Seriously!
My little brother made his First Holy Communion last year. He is also my Godson, and sadly, I did not get him a card. *Hang head in shame*
Before you start judging me too harshly, I did send a present, but just never made it to the Catholic shop to get a card because I live almost 45 minutes away from the nearest Catholic shop. I’m willing to bet some of you aren’t even that lucky. That’s why I was so excited to find these at the Dollar Tree, a mere 10 minutes away from our farmhouse!
Even though The Dollar Tree stores seem to largely carry the same items, things do vary from branch to branch. You may not find some of these exact cards at your Dollar Tree, but I wanted to show you what I found at mine.
I found First Communion cards for boys…
and First Communion cards for girls, too!
I love how cheerful this First Communion Card is!
You seriously couldn’t go wrong with this one:
I’ll label this one “Vintage”.
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I’m such a sucker for color!
Love the little dove punched into this one!
This one is a classic.
I like that some of them were a little more grown up, which would work well if you’re buying a First Holy Communion card for someone who doesn’t happen to be 7 years old.
Believe it or not, I didn’t even photograph all of them. The Dollar Tree also had religious birthday cards, baptism cards, religious wedding and anniversary cards, religious thank you cards, and even some religious cards that were blank inside.
I’ll leave you with a sneak peek at the Confirmation Card selection, because I know how much you love to browse the Dollar Tree with me in your comfy computer chair.
Lacy is the 25 year old mother of three kids, ages 5 and under. When she’s not crafting…. well, she’s thinking about crafting. Be sure to visit her blog, Catholic Icing, to find Catholic crafts, celebration ideas, and of course, First Holy Communion projects.
This post is linked to Frugal Friday.
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