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We have been busy getting our garden ready for planting this week. This has meant a couple of trips to the local greenhouse for picking up vegetable plant starts.
This was not something I was looking forward to doing with Molly (age three). But, when Eric and I went together with her, she was so good and just wanted to keep picking up flower petals that had fallen on the ground. She kept calling them her “treasures.”
When I decided that we needed another trip to the Greenhouse this week with just Molly and I, I brought along a small metal cup and told her she could fill it with “treasures.” We did talk very briefly about that they could only be things that fell on the floor, but she never made a motion to try to take anything off of a living plant anyway. So, that was a relief.
So, our trip did take a bit longer than it might have, since she frequently made us stop to pick up treasures, but it made the trip very enjoyable. And, even better — Molly was a million times more excited than when she gets to pick out a toy, and it didn’t cost me a dime! (Heck…the girl checking us out even offered Molly her own little bag to put all her treasures in.) It doesn’t get better than that!
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