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With family being in town last week, I put together a quick Top Ten Tuesday with the help of my 15 year old nephew. That means that I missed last week’s 10 in 10 theme (from iHomeschool Network) of 10 Things You Should Know about Me. I decided it would be fun to do that theme this week and share some quirky things about me.
Now, just know that I’m using quirky in a pretty relative way. As far as I’m concerned, everyone is quirky in different ways. That’s the beauty of us all being individuals. But, it was the best adjective I could come up with to put this list together.
10 Quirky Facts about Me
1. When I go to bed, I have to lay on my right side for a while before I can switch to my left side. The dumb thing is – I can’t really fall asleep laying on my right side, but I also can’t fall asleep until I lay on it for a while.
2. When I begin eating a meal, I pretty much never start by taking a bite of the entree. I had never noticed that, but it came up once and Eric said that’s always how I eat. Once I was aware of it, I realized he was right.
3. If I could, I would stay up very late every night and sleep in very late every day. (Years ago, I found this link about delayed sleep phase disorder, and that pretty much seems to sum it up for me.)
4. I like to arrange my eggs in the carton so that the weight in the carton is balanced. When I shared this before (in the linked post), I found out there is a whole secret society, per se, of egg arrangers.
5. I like to have at least three pillows to use while I’m sleeping. Ideally, I’d love to have four, but that doesn’t seem very nice, because I would stick that one in between Eric and I. So, I skip that one unless I’m taking a nap or I’m staying somewhere and he’s not with me. (I like a cocoon-type of method for sleeping.)
6. I prefer to have some type of noise all the time, like music, television, a fan, whatever.
7. If I’m not paying attention, I’ll all of the sudden notice that I have my head tilted way too far to one side while I’m working on the computer or watching television.
8. I sometimes get on the computer to do a task and then forget what I’m doing while simultaneously getting stuck in the Facebook-Twitter-Pinterest Bermuda Triangle. (Sadly, I suspect I’m not unique in this problem.)
9. I have a very particular set of things I do at night before bed, and if I don’t do them right, I have to do them again. This led to one interaction where a sister spending the night asked me if the lock on the front door was broken because she kept hearing me mess with it. I matter-0f-factly told her, “No, I just have to touch the lock and knob three times.”
Yes, I realize that sounds a touch OCD. That’s really one of the few things I do like that though.
10. I hate calling people. Well, it’s not so much hate as it is that it makes me anxious. I’m fine to talk on the phone, as well as to have people call me. I just don’t like actually calling people.
‘); // ]]>
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Tricia says
The Facebook-Twitter-Pinterest Bermuda Triangle! Yep. You are not unique in this problem 🙂 I love quirky you!
Angie Kauffman says
Awww…I love you too, Tricia! (((HUGS)))
Jennifer says
#1 is exactly how I fall asleep too! I didn’t start doing that until I was pregnant, though.
Angie Kauffman says
I only started doing it as an adult, Jennifer, so I wonder if it was one of the times I was pregnant too. I never thought about that! Before that, I almost always fell asleep on my stomach. I bet that’s exactly how/when I became a side sleeper. Darn kids. LOL 😉
Valerie @ Momma in Progress says
A big yes to 4, 6, 8. and 10.
Lynnea says
I have to have my eggs balanced in the carton too! 🙂
Elizabeth says
Ohhh, I don’t like calling people either. This is why texting was invented!
Dianna Kennedy says
I’m getting a mental image of you and Eric, along with a million pillows 😉
Angie Kauffman says
Actually, Eric only wants one pillow. It works out for me pretty well at hotels then. LOL 😉
Kris @ Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers says
You aren’t unique in #’s 8 or 10. And, I have a body pillow that lays down the middle of the bed between Brian and I. I love him, but sleeping time is for sleeping. Nobody needs to be touching during sleeping time. 🙂
Angie Kauffman says
This made me burst out laughing —> “Nobody needs to be touching during sleeping time.” I totally feel that way too. Eric would love it if I wanted to be all snuggly, but that would make me crazy. Molly loves to snuggle too and sometimes climbs into our bed and then gets all over me. I was once so asleep (but still aware) and pushed her by putting my hand on her face and pushing her away. LOL
Kathy says
#10 is so me too! What is that? Aw well. Maybe its one reason I like blogging so much. 😉
Amanda Sue says
That’s so funny!!! I arrange my eggs for balance too! I can’t stand them to be all in one end of the carton.
And the head thing too. I don’t usually notice it until I start getting super dizzy, and then it’s like…why is the screen tilted..oh wait…it’s my head!
Angie Kauffman says
LOL! Too funny! “then it’s like…why is the screen tilted..oh wait…it’s my head!” That made me burst out laughing. I love it!
Martha Orlando says
Lol! Yes, we are all quirky in our own ways, aren’t we? I can really identify with #8 here – happens all the time!
Laurie Collett says
I’m with you on the right-side, then left-side thing! Thanks for hosting & God bless!
Katey says
Fellow egg arranger! lol glad to know I’m not alone.
Penny says
I’m with you on #3 . One of the many reasons I love that my husband works nights.
hsmominmo says
#1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10 – describing me! Oh, my, are we related or something? All this quirkiness just makes us love you more 🙂 thanks for sharing!
Angie Kauffman says
Maybe we ARE related! It made me have to go look at what numbers 6, 7, and 9 were though. 😉
Joan says
OK, I am FLOORED that this is a “sleep disorder.” It’s 100% my daughter and I, but we in no way consider it a disorder. My goodness. Learn something new every day!
Angie Kauffman says
Before I looked at who had posted this comment, I thought, “It has to be someone who is home and homeschools.” LOL Yep. 😉 I suspect that it would feel more “disorder” like if you had to get your daughter up and out the door for school everyday. Maybe not, but I know that my sleep pattern is a lot easier to deal with now than when my kids went to school and I worked outside the home. It’s a whole lot better when I set our schedule. Still, I wish I could sleep at normal times. It just seems like it would make things easier if I didn’t want to go to bed every night at like 2:30 or 3 am. Even if I could swing midnight, I think it would be better.
Ticia says
I’m with you on calling people. I just can’t concentrate when I’m talking on the phone.